Saturday, March 21, 2009

I took a walk around campus on Thursday, and these were some of my thoughts:

FSU has some awesomely amazing trees for a treehouse. Walking up to the capital and back I saw so many! A treehouse is just one of those things that I never had as a kid and still have a fascination with as a 'grown up' (I may have reached my full physical height, but I still have a looooong way to go in Christ!). Growing up in NY city, treehouses are a rare breed. However, the one thing New York City has is some of the greatest parks in the world (I can say this now cause I have been to quite a few places and New York parks are still the best, though London's parks especially St. James hold a special spot in my heart). When I moved to my neighborhood in the Bronx, they had just renivated it, so they put in brand new jungle gyms, swing sets, slides, basketball courts, racquetball courts, and so on. My favorite feature, though, was the sprinklers. They were in the shape of 2 frogs and they spit gushes of water out of their mouths. I actually spent one of my birthday there with a group of my friends. I think it was my 8th birthday, but I don't really remember because those ages kind of merge together to create one universal age of childhood. Anyways, those sprinkers on a hot July day were the saviors of my hot red (I'm Irish, so more like purple) skin. It amazes me how a day in the park, a day out in nature with God still restores me. Over spring break I went to the park a couple of times, and it is so much fun soaring toward the sky on a swing. The park I live near is right next to a main road, and I always start to laugh when I think about all these passerbys seeing this 5'10 girl getting so much delight out of a swing. What can I say I love the sensation of flying :)

Those thoughts made me remember that verse about God wanting us to be like children as we approach His kingdom (check out Mark 10:13-16). I get what that means after spending some time on a swing and taking time in my busy afternoon to walk around and look at the trees as huge fortresses like I did as a child. Sometimes I get lost in all the things that have to get done that I forget about my heart and its wishes. Thank God I serve the One who does not forget and who speaks directly to it. He awakens my inner child, the one who didn't concern herself with where she would be next year or what the next 20 years would hold for her. She just wanted to live. That is the message that God shared with me and I want to share with you: Don't forget in all the business to take the time to live. It is that whole idea that when people find out they are dying, which in a way we all are because none of us are guaranteed the rest of today let alone tomorrow, they wish for more time to spend with family and friends. They want more time to interact heart with heart, not more time to make that first million. I love how Disney I sound lol, but seriously when God leads our hearts we need to follow, otherwise we miss out. I could spout on more and more about this, but instead I am going to take my own advice and follow my heart out the door to this glorious day that the Lord has made!


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